
A vital business document: the buy/sell agreement

Every business should give serious consideration to how the company would deal with the death, disability, or departure of one of the owners. Like a will, a buy/sell agreement (also known as a business continuity contract) spells out how assets and other business...

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IRS suggests using tax refund for bonds

If you're receiving a tax refund this year, the IRS reminds you that you can use it to buy U.S. savings bonds directly from the IRS. Here are the details. * You may purchase up to $5,000 in U.S. Series I savings bonds. * The total amount of bonds you purchase must be...

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More changes made to Affordable Care Act deadlines

On February 10, 2014, the Treasury Department issued rules that will allow mid-sized businesses to delay for one year the requirement to provide health insurance for their workers. The rules also offered some relief for larger companies. Businesses with 50 to 99...

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Study reveals retirement concerns

A recent study conducted by Harris Interactive of 1,000 middle class individuals aged 25 to 75 revealed some interesting statistics about retirement attitudes. Among the survey's findings: * 37% of respondents say they don't expect to retire; instead they expect to...

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Take steps to boost your business profits

Keeping your company profitable when the economy slows down is a challenge for every business. You may be able to boost your bottom line with the following financial controls. * Watch your customer credit. Use an accounts receivable aging report to flag past due...

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Unemployment benefits are taxable

Unemployment compensation can provide a welcome buffer while you're transitioning to a new job. But with the help comes a tax effect, because the benefits provided under federal or state laws are usually includable in your income in the year you receive them. As a...

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Who owes self-employment tax?

If you earned $400 or more of net profit during 2013 from work as a sole proprietor or independent contractor, you may owe self-employment tax. That's true no matter what your age – even if you're receiving social security benefits. The tax is assessed on your net...

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Do you need life insurance on your children?

Ask whether you should carry life insurance on your children and you'll receive a variety of answers. Here's a look at the arguments for and against. * Financial security. Traditionally, you take out life insurance to provide for the financial security of dependents....

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Deductions for business travel expenses need support

If you intend to deduct business travel expenses on your income tax return, keep adequate records. If you are later audited, you will be able to substantiate your deductions. Your oral summary of your business expenses will not hold up to an IRS audit. Besides, audits...

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Don’t pay tax on nontaxable income

There are several sources of revenue that are not subject to income tax. Here are the most common sources of money that are not taxed on your federal income tax return: * Borrowed money, such as from banks or personal loans. * Money received as a gift or inheritance...

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