About Us
The concept was quite simple. Provide great service and expertise at a reasonable price. What started as a one-man operation is now an accounting firm of 10 employees that have served as senior advisors, managers, controllers, and partners at entrepreneurial and large organizations. The team brings a wide array of experience to the firm. Their clients know Marietta will find every benefit available to them.
- Just show up
- Satisfied clients
- Creativity at work
- Professionalism
- Team approach
- Confidentiality
- Ethics first
- Best and brightest
Extraordinary Advice
Tax preparation is something everyone needs, but few are experts in it. Larry Marietta, CPA, knew individuals and business owners needed timely, practical advice when it came to accounting and taxes. With a gift of explaining complicated topics in a non-technical way, Larry opened his accounting firm, Marietta CPAs, in 1998.
Marietta's Mottos
Our best marketing tool is a satisfied client. We understand that the success and reputation of our accounting firm depends on the success of our clients and the quality of our people.
We place an emphasis on creativity. Though we recognize the established guidelines for the accounting industry, we continuously look for ways to exceed the needs of each client.
We focus on professional, quality work. Although the various aspects of our business may require many moving parts, we have the systems in place to be the best at what we do.

Teamwork is fundamental to our work process. Though we do encourage each individual in the firm to be creative, we are convinced that by working as a team we will always provide our client with a higher quality work process.
We seek to anticipate the evolving needs of our clients and establish new levels of service to meet those needs.
All of the information we obtain from clients is considered confidential. While we are proud of our clients and how we have helped them, it would be unimaginable to breach that confidence.
We encourage our entire team to live by high standards in every aspect of their lives. When it comes to our business and our clients well-being, we demand it.
We strive to employ the best and the brightest. Our clients work with individuals, not an entity, and we demand the best for every job.
Not Sure Where to Start?
Get A Consultation
Are you interested in learning more about how we can help guide your tax situation, but not sure where to begin? We can help. Our team of specialists can answer any questions you might have and help you get started.
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