Seek liquidity for short-term investments

The stock market may not be the right place for all of your money at all times. Here are two situations when cash accounts can be a better solution. Situation #1. Generally, the stock market is not a good place to invest funds you will need during the next two to...

Take precautions to avoid gift card fraud

Gift cards are a convenient way to give your friends and loved ones “just the right thing” at holiday time. They also give thieves an opportunity to make off with your money, according to a public service announcement issued by the Federal Bureau of...

Turn your part-time employees into winners

Part-time employees play a valuable role in a small business. They help deal with fluctuations in workload and can job-share with full-timers. In addition, because part-timers often look for flexibility in hours, you may find a skilled worker whose schedule fits...

Decide when to start social security benefits

Whether you should take social security retirement benefits at the earliest possible date or defer benefits until reaching normal retirement age (or even age 70), depends on several factors. For example, you’ll want to consider your overall health and life...
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