by mariettacp | Feb 21, 2011 | Money Tips, Tax Planning, Tax Preparation
It’s tax season, and to make this stressful time a little easier for our clients, we have placed some printable tax forms on our website. A copy of the Indiana Power of Attorney worksheet is included on the site.
by mariettacp | Feb 18, 2011 | Money Tips, Tax Planning, Tax Tips
The 2010 Tax Relief Act enacted many beneficial items in regard to estate and gift taxes. One in particular provides a tax saving choice. The Act allows estates of decedents who died in 2010 to choose between (1) estate tax (based on a $5 million exemption and 35%...
by mariettacp | Feb 16, 2011 | Money Tips, Tax Planning, Tax Preparation, Tax Tips
The 2010 Form 1040 reflects a number of new tax breaks for small businesses. Today’s post addresses changes to the tax laws regarding small business expensing, depreciation, and general business credits. To help small businesses quickly recover the cost of...
by mariettacp | Feb 14, 2011 | Money Tips, Tax Preparation, Tax Tips
For the convenience of our clients, we have placed some popular tax forms on our website. Click here to access the state request form for a business tax closure.
by mariettacp | Feb 12, 2011 | Money Tips
While everyone remembers the April 15th tax deadline, there are a number of other important tax deadlines which affect small businesses. Be sure to check with your accountant to be sure you are in compliance with the following dates: January 31: Distribution of 2010...