“Basis” is important to an S corporation

Losses can be hard to take – so if you think your S corporation will show a loss for 2013, now’s the time to plan to make sure you’ll get the full tax benefit. The Problem. The amount of the business loss you can deduct on your individual income tax...

Is all “income” taxable?

You only have to examine your paycheck to realize that certain income is tax-free. For example, health insurance premiums paid by your employer are generally not includible in your income.   Do you know the tax status of other types of income? Here’s a quiz...

Can friendship survive in a business partnership?

Planning to start a business partnership with a friend? Prudence demands looking at the pitfalls – as well as the potential strengths – of such relationships. Here are a few questions to consider. * What will my friend contribute to the business? Does he...
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