by mariettacp | Jan 3, 2014 | Money Tips
If you received a first-time homebuyer credit when you initially purchased your main residence, you have to repay the credit overtime. The IRS sends a notice to you each year with the relative information. This document – Notice CP03A – lists the amount of the credit...
by mariettacp | Dec 27, 2013 | Money Tips
If you are a owner of an employer sponsored retirement plan or traditional IRA, it’s very important to understand the implications of your required minimum distribution (RMD). These distributions are required to be taken each year once you have reached the age of 70...
by mariettacp | Nov 18, 2013 | Money Tips
In today’s economic environment, you may decide you have to work beyond the “normal” retirement age. Here’s how extending your work life can affect your taxes and retirement benefits. “Normal” retirement age is not a fixed number. For...
by mariettacp | Nov 15, 2013 | Money Tips
Fringe benefits are important to your employees. Wage levels often don’t differ much between companies, so the fringes you offer can be an important factor in hiring and retaining workers. Major fringe benefits such as health insurance are expensive. But if...
by mariettacp | Nov 13, 2013 | Money Tips
Check the total taxes you’ve already paid in for 2013 through withholding and/or quarterly estimated payments. If you’ve underpaid, consider adjusting your withholding for the final months of 2013 or increasing your remaining quarterly estimate. If...