Roth IRAs: A smart tax idea for children

Persuading your working children to make retirement contributions may not be easy, but investments in Roth IRAs may be the wisest possible use of their earnings. The nature of Roth IRAs, coupled with the effects of long-term compounding, can create exceptional returns...

Create a road map to retirement

Preparing for your retirement is a journey. And like most journeys, success or failure often hinges on decisions made early in the trip. Consider some of these pointers as you develop your personal road map to retirement. A solid retirement plan begins with an honest...

Every estate plan should have these basic documents

Estate planning is not just a task for the wealthy. Even though federal tax implications kick in only if your estate exceeds $5,430,000, there are other issues that make estate planning important for most individuals. Start your estate planning by meeting with an...

Understand the pros and cons of DRIPs

Appropriately enough, investors may notice a slow trickle in earnings from “dividend reinvestment plans” (DRIPs). But these investments may end up providing a steady stream of income over the long run. The concept is relatively simple. More than 1,000...

Can a business grow too fast?

Most businesses hope to grow. They consider themselves successful if growth is taking place, and the faster the growth the better. Can too much business growth be bad for a company? It can be if the growth is not adequately planned. For example, an established company...
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