by mariettacp | Nov 8, 2010 | Money Tips, Tax Planning, Tax Preparation, Tax Tips
The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 made beneficial changes to the application of general business credits toward tax and AMT liability offsets. (P.L. 111-240) General business credits of eligible small businesses for 2010 get five-year carryback. Generally, a...
by mariettacp | Nov 5, 2010 | Money Tips, Tax Planning
Small business owners are given temporary relief from tax on gains from sale of company stock as a result of the Small Business Jobs Act. 100% exclusion of gain from the sale of small business stock Ordinarily ,individuals can exclude 50% of their gain on the sale of...
by mariettacp | Nov 3, 2010 | Money Tips, Tax Preparation
Thinking about starting a new business? Changes in the tax law allow you to write off more of the start up expenses. Boosted deduction for start-up expenditures. The Small Business Jobs Act allows taxpayers to deduct up to $10,000 in trade or business start-up...
by mariettacp | Nov 1, 2010 | Money Tips, Tax Planning
The “Small Business Jobs Act of 2010” includes a number of important tax provisions for business. If you are planning on making capital expenditures, be sure to talk to your accountant about the following: Extension of 50% bonus first-year depreciation. Before the...
by mariettacp | Oct 30, 2010 | Money Tips, Tax Planning
On September 27, President Obama signed into law the “Small Business Jobs Act of 2010” (P.L. 111-240) which includes a number of important tax provisions for business. As we talk to our small business clients about their tax planning, we are helping them take...