by mariettacp | Jul 30, 2012 | Money Tips
When your best friend views your nest egg as a source of start-up funds for his latest business venture, or your nephew hits you up for a car loan, your first impulse may be to reach into your bank account to help. But it’s a fact that loans to family and...
by mariettacp | Jul 26, 2012 | Money Tips
The home office deduction is available when you use part of your home regularly and exclusively as your primary place of business, or for meeting clients. If you’re an employee who works from home, there’s an additional rule: The exclusive use must be for...
by mariettacp | Jul 23, 2012 | Money Tips
Time for payment of corporate estimated taxes for 2014: For corporations with assets of at least $1 billion (determined as of the end of the preceding tax year), estimated tax payments due in July, August, or September 2014 were increased. Expanded 1099 reporting:...
by mariettacp | Jul 20, 2012 | Money Tips
Adult dependent insurance coverage: Changes the definition of “dependent” for purposes of Sec. 105(b) (excluding from income amounts received under a health insurance plan) to include amounts expended for the medical care of any child of the taxpayer who...
by mariettacp | Jul 19, 2012 | Money Tips
Change to cellulosic biofuel producer credit (Sec. 40): Excludes from the definition of cellulosic biofuel any fuels that (1) are more than 4% (determined by weight) water and sediment in any combination or (2) have an ash content of more than 1% (determined by...