by mariettacp | May 20, 2013 | Money Tips
If spring cleaning leaves you with items that you want to donate to charity, remember that donations of used clothing and household items must generally meet certain requirements to be tax-deductible. First, such items must be in “gobuy generic cialis onlineod...
by mariettacp | May 13, 2013 | Money Tips
Crooks wanting to steal your identity are using bogus e-mails and websites designed to look like genuine IRS communications. You might expect the April 15 filing deadline to mark the end of these scams, but they, in fact, are expected to continue for months. An...
by mariettacp | May 8, 2013 | Money Tips
If you have a sizable refund of your 2012 taxes, it may be time for you to check your withholding. After all, when you overpay your taxes, you’re making an interest-free loan to the government. Reducing your withholding is as simple as filing a new Form W-4 with your...
by mariettacp | Mar 7, 2013 | Money Tips
Over the coming years, millions of baby boomers will reach age 62, the minimum threshold for receiving social security retirement benefits. If recent history is any indication, most of these people (over 70% by some estimates) will take their benefits as early as...
by mariettacp | Mar 4, 2013 | Money Tips, Tax Planning, Tax Preparation, Tax Tips
Emotions add zest to life. They propel us to our feet when our favorite running back scores a touchdown. They warm us at an inspirational concert or movie. But in the realm of business, emotions sometimes hinder good choices. In fact, business owners and managers...