by mariettacp | Aug 1, 2013 | Money Tips
You’ve got debt! The question is, do you have good debt or bad debt? Even more important, how do you tell the difference before you take on any more? Here are two questions to ask before incurring any debt. 1. What are the benefits of taking on this debt? Avoiding all...
by mariettacp | Jul 30, 2013 | Money Tips
A few challenges to implementing Obamacare have caused the White House to extend coverage deadlines for small businesses. For small businesses, the main concern is for the Small Business Health Insurance Exchange (SHOP). Initially, the SHOP exchanges were supposed to...
by mariettacp | Jul 25, 2013 | Money Tips
Every successful business relies on a core group of customers who keep coming back on a regular basis. Sure, you’re always trying to find new customers and expand your market. But chances are that it’s the “regulars” who provide the bulk of...
by mariettacp | Jul 23, 2013 | Money Tips
In order to take advantage of travel expenses, one of the major deductions for entrepreneurs, you need to understand the difference between your personal home and tax home. And also, you should know the difference between business travel and business transportation....
by mariettacp | Jul 18, 2013 | Money Tips
Whether you’re a stock market bull or bear, you have investment expenses – and you may be wondering if they’re deductible on your federal income tax return. Here’s a quick review. * What are investment expenses? Investment expenses are amounts...