Employer health insurance requirement postponed

The health care reform law passed in 2010 included a provision that would require employers of 50 or more full-time employees to provide affordable health insurance to their workers or face steep penalties. That provision was scheduled to take effect January 1, 2014....

Business or Hobby? What’s the tax difference?

For federal tax purposes, the determination of “business” or “hobby” is a matter of deduction. If your new venture is considered a business, you can deduct losses against other income. However, when the activity is classified as a hobby, the...

Back to school calls for an education review

As schools get back in session, it’s a good time to check the education tax breaks for which you might qualify. First, there’s the “American Opportunity Tax Credit” for a percentage of qualified expenses paid during the first four years of...

Got cash? Tips for financing a new business

All small businesses start with something in common: they devour cash. They need cash for inventory, office space, insurance, legal fees, business licenses, remodeling costs, and the list goes on. Because very few start-ups can secure equity financing from venture...
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