by mariettacp | Nov 11, 2013 | Money Tips
Want to lower your 2013 tax bill? The time for action is running out, so consider these tax-savers now. * You can choose to deduct sales taxes instead of local and state income taxes. If you’re planning big ticket purchases (like a car or a boat), buy before...
by mariettacp | Nov 8, 2013 | Money Tips
Take some time to review your tax situation for 2013 while there are still a few months to make tax-cutting adjustments. Higher-income taxpayers face tax increases this year, which means that an investment in a year-end tax review could make a significant difference...
by mariettacp | Nov 6, 2013 | Money Tips
Employees often have too much of their employer’s company stock in their 401(k) or other retirement plan. Employees feel they know their company best, overlooking the risks of having too much of an investment in any one company, including their own. What are...
by mariettacp | Nov 4, 2013 | Money Tips
The IRS recently issued a ruling that will treat same-sex married couples the same as opposite-sex couples for federal tax purposes as long as the marriage occurred in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriages as legal. This ruling, known as the “state...
by mariettacp | Nov 1, 2013 | Money Tips
Walk through most commercial warehouses and you’ll find products that have been collecting dust for months, even years. Tires that no one wants to buy, raw materials that are no longer used, tubes of caulking that are good for nothing but the dumpster –...