Check the tax rules before lending money to relatives

There are many worthwhile reasons to lend money to a relative. For example, you may want to help a child or sibling continue their education or start their own business. But lending money to relatives can have tax consequences. The IRS requires that a minimum rate of...

Don’t overlook the “nanny tax”

As you review your filing requirements for 2013, make sure you don’t overlook the so-called “nanny tax.” If you have a household employee, you could be liable to pay state and federal payroll taxes. First, you must determine whether you have a...

Indianapolis CPA Explains Additional Medicare Taxes

There is a chance that certain individuals will owe more than expected this year due to Additional Medicare Taxes. This is a .9% surtax on wages, compensation, or self employment income that exceeds the following thresholds: • $250,000 for Couples Filing Jointly •...
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